Afternoons are for All Ages

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After lunch, the programming is less formal. You don’t need to attend the same workshop everyday, though you are welcome to.  We offer intergenerational programs, including tie dying, body art and other crafts, as well as organized play and other things that would tempt both the young and old.  There is also programming that is more age specific, and can feature things such as board games, poetry, discussion with the theme speaker, Ultimate Frisbee, Dungeons and Dragons, and beer tasting.  Not everything is offered every year, check the schedule for this year’s offerings.

During the afternoon is also the time to sign up for and rehearse with the Choir, the Folk Orchestra, and the other musical groups that perform during the week.  There’s even a Children’s Choir, which meets right after lunch. And if you love to sing, don’t miss the Sacred Song Circle. It meets the first half hour of dinner in the breezeway in the science center  Avoid the dinner line and feel the vibration!

While there is lots of programming at SI, there are also ample opportunities for relaxing self-paced activities.

Quiet Spaces, Quiet times

While participating is important, it is also nice to take a few moments out of our day for some alone time. The campus has many places perfect for quiet reflection, meditation, book-reading or people-watching. There are chairs and benches scattered all around the campus, and beautiful trees to sit under. Take some time out of your busy day to enjoy the surroundings.

Walk the Labyrinth

Want some time away from things, to meditate, think about all the wonderful things you did at SI, or just take a relaxing walk? Take a walk on the labyrinth.

Want to do something with your young kids? Explain to them that they walk this path, but NEVER cross over a rope–the path will take them to the center then back out. Let them lead you on it. Kids love it. So will you.

The SI Bookstore

The bookstore is the headquarters for SI T-shirts, Skinner House & Beacon Press books, works by SI artists, and the SI scholarship raffle.  Remember to bring your cash, check, or major credit card. Profits go to the Melanie Pescan scholarship fund.

Bring your bike & helmet

If you haven’t ridden a bike since the last ice age, now is your chance to prove that you still can. Oil up that old tricycle in the garage, or bicycle built for two in the shed, and bring it to SI!

Swimming, basketball, etc

The recreation center is available for our use, including the pool!  We can swim during the Cal U community open swim hours. Pick up volleyball games happen daily, check the schedule.  Tennis courts are outside.