Applications for the 2018 Summer Institute Morning Seminars/Afternoon Workshops

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Dear Members of our Summer Institute Family:

It’s the nature of something like Summer Institute that, once one year’s gathering ends, we must immediately start planning for the next year’s gathering. The 2017 SI ended in July, and the Summer Institute Planning Council got right to work. We’ve met, and reviewed what went on in 2017, and read your comments about it (you’ll hear more about that later). Now it’s time to start on the 2018 SI. The first order of business is Morning Seminars and Afternoon Workshops.

Here are two links to the individual applications:

Morning Seminars:

Afternoon Workshops:

They are very easy applications to fill out. Just type in the responses to the questions, and return it to the email address given.

Now, I hear you ask, should I do a Morning Seminar, or an Afternoon Workshop. Well, that depends on what you want to do. Remember, the Morning Seminars are aimed at adults, and have to be taught to one group five mornings during the week. The Afternoon Workshops are drop-in, and should be aimed at an intergenerational audience. Both are extremely important to the success of SI.

But if I want to create a workshop or seminar, what should I do it on? That’s a question that everybody asks. The answer is simple. Is there something that you’re passionate about? Something that you love, that you want to pass on to others? This is your chance to do it. Do you have a hobby that drives you wild? Is there a craft that you know that you’re sure others will want to learn about? Is there a piece of history, or a scientific breakthrough that you could teach about, or lead discussions about?

Are you a writer? One person suggested that someone bring writer’s prompts, and get others started on a story or novel. Do you want to teach the ukulele? Are you a yo-yo champion? Anything and everything that you love can be the basis of a seminar or workshop. Share your art or music collection, talk about old TV shows or getting into shape. If you love it, other people will, too.

You will be compensated, but, to be honest, not to what you deserve. A Morning Seminar is a Tier 2 campership, worth $375 (based on last year’s prices). An Afternoon Workshop is a Tier 3 campership, worth $225 (also based on last year’s prices). Both sums are a help, but they still aren’t that much. There are two things to remember – SI is an all-volunteer affair, and with a workshop or seminar, you are volunteering to help it succeed. Also, you are doing something that you love, and are sharing it with 500 of your best friends.

So please, look over the applications, fill one out and send it in. If you have questions, we will be answering them in blog posts, or emails, over the next two months. You can also email us at

Thank you, in advance, for volunteering.


Bruce Kent
Chair, 2018 Summer Institute Planning Council