Connect with SI Committee on Ministry

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Greetings beloved SI Community,

As you may have recently learned, CER Summer Institute will not be held at California University in PA this summer. Your SI Committee on Ministry invites you to come together in community this week, via phone or video. In that space, we can connect, hold each other in love, explore stories of what this might mean, and conceive of the joy and magic can be created.

How/when will we connect? 
We will have three different opportunities for connect to phone or video meetings via Zoom:
11:00 a.m. – Saturday April 4
8:00 p.m. – Monday April 6
4:00 p.m. – Wednesday April 8

Join Zoom Meetings online at
Join Zoom Meetings by phone at 646/558-8656, Meeting ID: 189 774 687

What will happen on the call?
-We will check-in as we are comfortable.
-We will have time to share about what makes SI magical.
-We will have time to exchange ideas for what we can do for a virtual SI, and other ways to connect.

What will not happen on the call?
-We will not work out practical details — that will happen after April 11th.
-We will not expect you to do or share more than you are able.
-We will not have all the answers.

Time to Bring the SI Magic to a World That Needs It!
This is the beginning of planning anew.  Along with the SI Planning Committee, we will get to more focused workonce we have had a chance to learn your ideas from these sessions and a survey.

What if You Can’t Connect This Week?
Reach out to us at – we want to be there for you.

We look to creating SI magic by connecting virtually!

With love, Your Summer Institute Committee on Ministry

Kim Diana Connolly
Caitlin Ballinger
Melisa Jeter
Jennifer May
Nathan Staples
Sunshine Wolfe, UUA Staff Magic Maker